BlogsHave You Ever Seen a Baby with a Helmet and Wondered Why?

Have You Ever Seen a Baby with a Helmet and Wondered Why?

I know you’ve seen them…

Being carried around at the parks, the malls, maybe the grocery stores. They are the cute helmet head babies. They look so adorable and you ask yourself, why is that cute baby wearing that adorable little helmet? Is she cold? Did she fall?

I wondered too.

Well now I know…

The baby had her checkup yesterday and the doc basically said…she has a flat head.

She is given tummy time, alot. She’s in her jumperoo, alot. But the flatness she has on her left side still hasn’t rounded out yet. When she was born, her little head was turned up and pushed against my pelvic bone. The doctor had to use the vacuum to get her out after I was pushing for about 2 hours and she didn’t budge. Flatness usually rounds out after some time, but the fact that she likes to nurse and sleep with her head to the left side probably didn’t help. So now, it looks like she might be one of those adorable little helmet head babies. We have an appointment with a cranial specialist in two weeks.

I’m not too worried about it. There was only one point where my eyes got big. When I found out that they have to wear the helmet for 23 hours a day, but apparently babies do pretty well wearing them. I mean all the babies I’ve ever seen with a helmet seem pretty happy.

All I know is, if she does have to wear one, I apologize in advance for your Instagram feed being taken over by a cute baby wearing a helmet.



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