BlogsMy New Years Resolution: Be a More Hands-On Mom

My New Years Resolution: Be a More Hands-On Mom

Becoming a more HANDS-ON-MOM with Child Learning & Development. #kidsactivities #kidsactivitiesblog #learning #development

My New Years resolution this year is to be a more hands on mom. I want to be more involved in my children’s learning and development. One way I decided I was going to do this was by implementing a baby-toddler daily activity schedule, so that each day I could schedule at least one learning activity with each of them.

The hubs and I also just took out a membership at our local library and we have been taking the girls there to check out some books. My daughter loves being read new books every week, and I’ve been checking out activity books for kids as well as books on homeschooling since I am also exploring that idea. We will cross that bridge when we get there.

So although I can’t say this is a complete blog re-brand, I still love offering parenting tips, doing crafts and sharing other mommy moments, you will definitely be seeing more kids activity posts here.

My toddler is at that fun age where everything fascinates her. There are so many new sights and smells and she is soaking up everything around her. She is adding new words to her vocabulary everyday and frankly, she shocks me with her vigilance and willingness to learn and explore her surroundings more and more everyday. I want to be right there in those moments with her.

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